Certificate of Identity / Emergency Travel Document
An Emergency Travel Document/Certificate of Identity is available to Ugandan Nationals for travel from the UK to Uganda if needed to travel urgently and a Ugandan Passport cannot be used.
It is only valid one way.
Submissions are walk in, Monday - Friday between 12pm - 1pm.
Emergency travel documents are only issued within 7 days of your arrival date to Uganda.
Applicants must have all documents printed out -
1. Fully completed Form G.
2. Two (2) identical passport size photographs (taken within the past 6 months, coloured, strictly on a plain white background, full front face view and a neutral facial expression with both eyes open and both ears visible).
3. Present expired passport/copy of expired passport/Ugandan National ID
4. If passport is lost, a Sworn Affidavit notarized by a solicitor, dated within six months.
5. Payment:
Payments for the Certificate of Identity can be made through:
- Visiting: www.ura.go.ug
- Selecting: Make a payment
- Selecting: Click here to register a payment
- Selecting: 'Other NTR' under 'Tax Head'
- Entering: Applicant details under 'taxpayer details' - fields marked red are mandatory
- Selecting: The 'Ministry/Department/Agency' - 'Directorate of Citizenship and Immigration Control (National Citizenship and Immigration Control)' under 'Details of Other NTR payments'.
- Selecting: a) Certificate of Identity: Under 'taxhead name' select 'Certificate of Identity'
- Selecting: 'online payment options' under 'payment methods'
- Entering: Text from the given image
- Selecting: 'Accepting and Register'
- Selecting: GT Bank as the bank in which you wish to make payment under 'online payment summary' and pressing 'continue'
- Noting: Your PRN on the GT Bank Uganda Revenue Authority Payment page and pressing continue
- Proceeding with payment using your UK Debit/Credit Card details.
- Applicants must print off and attach proof of payment to their passport application. PAYMENT CANNOT BE MADE AT UGANDA HIGH COMMISSION.
Cost: 40,000Ush
6. Cover letter requesting for Certificate of Identity, addressed to 'Uganda High Commissioner, London'
7. Attach a copy of your air ticket with departure date within seven days.